Digital Tax – Letter to the US Congress: Let’s collaborate to achieve fair taxation

The Digital Tax will be the focus of today’s meetings in Davos. It’s time to move beyond the vetoes and the threats to achieve an international agreement. With some colleagues of the European Parliament we have promoted an initiative for a serious dialogue with the US Congress. It’s important for Europe to express its position…

EU Taxonomy

What is a green financial product? What does it mean to invest in a sustainable business? These and other questions have been at the basis of our negotiations on the so called “Taxonomy”, a European rulebook that identifies the criteria to determine whether an economic activity is sustainable. After three months of “trilogues” (inter-institutional negotiations…

Giovani e ocupazione Irene Tinagli


pubblicato su La Stampa del 11/1/2018 Gli ultimi dati sull’occupazione hanno riportato l’attenzione sulla questione dei giovani: se infatti da un lato si registra un continuo calo dei tassi di disoccupazione giovanile (scesa di 7,2 punti solo nell’ultimo anno), dall’altro è stato osservato che resta uno dei tassi più alti d’Europa e che molti dei…